Good news from AdriaPAN for Adriatic and Ionian MPA network


The Interreg Med programme has selected the MPA networks project submitted by MedPAN in the framework of its 3rd call for modular projects! This is one of the 13 projects that was selected from the 116 submitted.

The MPA NETWORKS project brings together 10 Mediterranean partners, mainly MPA management bodies, from 7 countries: Albania, Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Slovenia, Spain and France. The project will be implemented between November 2019 and June 2022. Its budget is €2,664,000.

The MedPAN association is therefore the coordinator of the project which brings together: Portofino, Torre del Cerrano and Torre Guaceto MPAs, Marilles Foundation, INCA, Brijuni National Park, Port-Cros National Park, Zakynthos Marine National Park, Strunjan Landscape Park.

In addition, 19 organisations have agreed to act as associate partners: ACCCOBAMS, Government of the Balearic Islands, Conservatoire du litoral, Federparchi, French Agency for Biodiversity, Fundacion Biodiversidad, Slovenian Institute for Nature Conservation, IUCN, LIFE Platform, M2PA, Med Conservation Society, MEDCEM, Ministry of Environment and Energy, Republic of Croatia, NAPA, OEC, PIM Association, Maghrebian Artisanal Fisheries Platform, SPA/RAC, WWF Mediterranean.

The MPA NETWORKS project kick-off took place on February 4 in Marseille, the Project Manager for AdrIonPAN WP, Carlo Franzosini, took place to the meeting.

Link to the  news on TRIVIA di CERRANO, the AdriaPAN blog, in:  



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