Rothschild & Co appoints Mark Sedwill as Senior Adviser


Mark Sedwill entra in Rothschild come consigliere senior a partire da gennaio 2021. Assisterà Rothschild sulle linee strategiche strategiche. Lord Sedwill, che si è ritirato dalle cariche pubbliche nel settembre 2020, ha ricoperto per oltre 30 anni numerose posizioni di spicco nel Regno Unito e all’estero sotto sette primi ministri. L’ultimo incarico ricoperto è stato quello di Segretario di Gabinetto e Consigliere per la Sicurezza Nazionale.

Robert Leitão, Managing Partner di Rothschild & Co, ha evidenziato che “Lord Sedwill è riconosciuto come uno dei migliori diplomatici e funzionari pubblici della sua generazione e siamo onorati che abbia scelto di entrare a far parte di Rothschild & Co in qualità di consigliere senior. I risultati che ha ottenuto sulla scena internazionale parlano da soli e saranno una grande risorsa per il nostro business”.

Al momento del suo pensionamento, il Primo Ministro ha nominato Lord Sedwill alla presidenza dell’Atlantic Future Forum (una nuova conferenza internazionale sulla sicurezza, la difesa e il commercio) e presidente del gruppo di esperti del G7 sulla resilienza economica globale. “Sono lieto di unirmi a Rothschild & Co. Questa è un’istituzione eccezionale con una storia orgogliosa, valori forti e un’ambiziosa agenda globale. Non vedo l’ora di contribuire a il suo continuo successo” ha dichiarato Sedwill.

Rothschild & Co is pleased to announce that Lord Sedwill will join the firm as a Senior Adviser, effective January 2021. He will assist in advising Rothschild & Co on its strategic ambitions as well as helping to advise clients worldwide across its Global Advisory, Wealth & Asset Management and Merchant Banking businesses.

Commenting on the appointment, Robert Leitão, Managing Partner of Rothschild & Co said: “Lord Sedwill is recognised as one of the outstanding diplomats and public servants of his generation, and we are honoured that he has chosen to join Rothschild & Co as a Senior Adviser. Mark will bring a level of strategic perspective and measured judgement to enhance our group in the years ahead. His track record on the international stage speaks for itself and he will be a great asset to our business.”

Lord Sedwill retired from public office in September 2020, having served over 30 years in numerous UK and international positions under seven prime ministers, most recently as Cabinet Secretary and National Security Adviser. On his retirement, the Prime Minister appointed Lord Sedwill as Chair of the Atlantic Future Forum (a new international security, defence and trade conference) and Chair of the G7 Panel on Global Economic Resilience.

Lord Sedwill commented: “I am delighted to join Rothschild & Co. This is an outstanding institution with a proud history, strong values and an ambitious global agenda. I look forward to contributing to its continued success”.

Additional background on Lord Sedwill

Mark Sedwill, Baron Sedwill of Sherborne KCMG FRGS, is Chairman of the Atlantic Futures Forum, Chairman of the G7 Panel on Global Economic Resilience, and a member of the UK Parliament’s House of Lords. He was Cabinet Secretary & Head of the Civil Service (2018-20), National SecurityAdviser (2017-20), Permanent Secretary at the Home Office (2013-17), and HM Ambassador and NATO Representative in Afghanistan (2009-11). Before that he had a diplomatic and security career serving in Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Cyprus and Pakistan. He was also CEO of UKvisas (2005-08).

Educated at St Andrews and Oxford Universities, Lord Sedwill is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and of the Institute of Directors, and the recipient of several awards and honours for national and international public service. He is President of the Special Forces Club and has several public service. He is President of the Special Forces Club and has several charitable interests.


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