Sarajevo Film Festival Daily 02


Otvoren 27. Sarajevo Film Festival / 27th Sarajevo Film Festival opened last night
Sinoć je otvoren 27. Sarajevo Film Festival, i to svjetskim premijerama dva bosanskohercegovačka filma, DESET U POLA Danisa Tanovića i omnibusom PISMA S KRAJEVA SVIJETA sarajevske klase Bele Tarra. (link)

The world premieres of Danis Tanović’s new feature film and omnibus produced by Béla Tarr opened the 27th Sarajevo Film Festival tonight. (link)

Ovogodišnja selekcija pripada mladim i hrabrim autorima i autoricama / This year’s selection belongs to young and courageous authors
Intervu sa Elmom Tataragić, selektoricom Takmičarskog igranog, Takmičarskog kratkog i programa U fokusu (link)

Interview Elma Tataragić, Selector of the Feature and Short Film Competition and In Focus programme (link)

Drugi bilten 27. Sarajevo Film Festivala možete pronaći OVDJE.


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